Eco-friendly everything is in fashion. It’s impossible to walk in the city without seeing some new ‘sustainable’ shop or some brand that’s gone ‘natural’. Not to mention the trends on social media. I at least am bombarded constantly with alternative ‘eco-friendly’ options. 

And rightly so, it’s about time all these things started to change. But over the last weeks and months I’ve realised a few important things I’d like to share with you all. Little by little through my own journey of sustainability, I’m going to let you in on a few things that I know and have experienced to be truth. 

The first of these is that despite being on trend now, sustainability is not a new scientific discovery. Not only because it’s actually been more than 30 years since scientists started worrying about the CO2 in the atmosphere. No, there’s something much older.

When the earth was made (evolution or not) the Creator saw everything, plants and animals and revelled in them. The world was very good – without people! But, creation was brought to completion when humanity arrived for various reasons but one of them being that they had a more advanced intellect than any other creature, meaning that a heavy and important responsibility was placed on them; to care for all those creatures and the nature that didn’t have that same knowledge or capacity. To ‘manage’ and look after them. Humans were not the only ones told to flourish on the earth, the natural world and animals get the exact same command, meaning we were intended to flourish together from the beginning, neither harming the other and both coming together beautifully to give glory to the Creator.

My conclusion from what I read about the beginning is that everything was created in a beautiful balance so our responsibility as the creatures most advanced in knowledge, is to carefully maintain that balance, flourishing with the rest of creation in a potentially never-ending cycle. 

Had we paid more attention to what our Creator intended for us, we would never have been in the place we are today. It’s equally tragic that this knowledge has been passed down through history from perhaps 6,000 – 10,000 years ago and it took science until 1988 to really start to wake up and realise it for themselves.

As these thoughts hit me just a week or two ago, I started to see other connections between living a modern sustainable life and what I was reading in the Bible. I wish to share these golden nuggets of wisdom and hope they can lead us into thoughtful reflection about the world and the ‘every-day’ in which we live.